More healthcare capacity with better work schedules

More healthcare capacity with better work schedules


According to Martijn Rademakers, managing director of TONOS Care, the high work pressure in healthcare institutions and home care is partly due to inefficient work schedules. 

The startup from Nijmegen developed a smart app that supports planners in long-term care in making optimal rosters. AI-driven healthcare logistics are the foundation. The result: increased capacity and job satisfaction for care professionals while clients experience higher quality care. TONOS Care was able to develop this application partly thanks to De Groeiversneller and the Business Angels Network of Oost NL.
Rademakers, to Oost NL: “Creating a good work schedule is difficult; it becomes very complex very fast. Leave this time-consuming and complicated puzzle to a computer, and let the healthcare professionals do what they enjoy.”

The app equally distributes the work among a team to optimally serve the clients. “Currently, care workers often have too much to do in one moment, and then barely anything in the next. We ensure that the workload is equally distributed and there are therefore fewer peaks and troughs per employee.” The planner, who knows the local situation, can easily make adjustments; people remain in charge. “Data and smart algorithms that support people – this is what digitization is all about.”

TONOS, AI hub East Netherlands and Oost NL were joined by Baseflow, Demcon and Little Rocket at the AI innovation table during the Dutch Innovation Days in May 2021.