Meet the Brightest Minds in AI in Engineering from Top Universities in Europe

AI-agenda Industry
  • Learn about the latest research in Artificial Intelligence for Engineering
  • Get inspired by key corporate players on the promises, opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence for Engineering
  • Meet talent through inspiring pitches, engaging poster sessions & network drinks

This event is organised by Mondai, the ’House of AI’ on the Campus of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), together with our partner FME, AI Hub South Holland and NLAIC, as part of the IDEA League Summer School’s “Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Applications” led by professor Andrea Coraddu.

The event brings together some of the brightest minds in Europe from IDEA league universities. It is a great opportunity to learn about the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Applications, meet upcoming European AI Talent, and hear from start-ups and corporates about their views and cutting edge applications in Artificial Intelligence for Engineering


13.45 – 14.15 Walk-in
14.15 – 15.15 Introduction and talk by prof. Andrea Coraddu (TU Delft), talk by prof. Luca Oneto (Univerista di Genova), and PhD Pitches
15.15 – 16.15 Industry Presentations by Matthieu Worm (Siemens), Jurgen Bastiaansen (Festo)
16.15 Drinks and poster session!

More information and register