The role of robots in healthcare


What role can robots play in healthcare? Roel Boumans investigated whether talking social robots can take over administrative tasks to reduce the workload on healthcare workers. He obtained his PhD last year because of the positive results. 
Boumans started his promotion program by developing the technology in collaboration with the TU Delft, after which the robot was tested in Nijmegen with patients at the Radboudumc and the CWZ.

Pepper (pictured) was the chosen robot. “Research in New Zealand showed that older adults are most comfortable with a robot of about 1.20 meters in height that has a screen”, says Boumans on the Radboudumc website

Boumans’s research shows that few differences arise when a robot instead of a nurse handles standardized questionnaires. Healthcare professionals who were supported by a social robot were actually providing better care, according to patients. 
Listen to the AI for Life Center’s podcast about this research via Spotify or Anchor