Woman in AI Circle


It's time for our first Circle at Nijmegen! Join us on the 8th of October at 17:30, bWomen in AI Netherlands

Join us for an exciting kick-off event featuring an insightful discussion into algorithmic justice - the moral and political philosophy behind structural algorithmic discrimination to gain the vocabulary needed to distinguish wrongful from justified different treatment. That’s when we’ll open the floor for discussion - this is your chance to engage and drive progress on the challenges faced with implementing AI! Come and connect with fellow women (and men) in AI in Nijmegen!

17:30 | Doors open

18:00 – 18:05 | Introduction to WAI and AVISI

18:05 - 18:30 | Attendees introduction

18:30 – 18:55 | Ajuna Soerjadi

18:55 – 19:15 | Discussion

19:15 – 20:30 |Networking & drinks

About the speaker

Ajuna Soerjadi has a background in philosophy and has specialized in the ethics of artificial intelligence, specifically its impact on social inequality. The data that AI is trained on reflects and reproduces existing unequal patterns in society. As founder of the Data Ethics Expertise Center, she helps government organizations in the responsible use of AI such risk profiling, generative AI, drones and robotics and self-driving cars, through training and research. She is also a researcher on risk profiling and discrimination at the State Commission against Discrimination and Racism. She has been named one of the global 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics (2024) and was the first Young Thinker of the Fatherland (2017).


This event is hosted by Women in AI Netherlands with collaboration of AVISI and AI-hub Oost-Nederland.

More info